Thursday, March 31, 2011

All BOY!

Going in!
Getting cozy!
Giving a shout out!
Looking for a soft landing!
Lovin' his new moves!
Then, there's this...
PLOP! How does he go from so adorable to so...ploppy?

Charlie received a care package from Pat Pat and Susu. Mommy's favs? The presh Christmas outfits. I CAN'T wait for Charlie to wear them. They call for a photoshoot!
What was Charlie's fav? The box of course. He managed to wear that thing out climbing in and dumping over. Along with me, he cracks himself up at times!!! Having him is SOOOO much fun!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A new do!

Ohhh, treasure!
Closer to his sweet treat!
Going back in. He can't eat just one!
Precious face. He's sees someone approaching...
Dada's home! Sigh...I have a wonderful life.
His new do from Dada.

Oddly and devestatingly boring, a BIG part of our life is Charlie's hair. Can you imagine a child's hair being the topic of 85% of your discussions? (Montgomerymemoriestoo shall not be held accountable for mathematical figures.) Any time we have a guest, we discuss Charlie's hair. Whenever we are in public, others discuss Charlie's hair. Early in the morning and late in the guessed it...we discuss Charlie's hair. Getting ready for church this morning, channeling his desire for his boy to have short, traditional hair, Dada gave Charlie a new do! It was quite funny watching my, not an ounce of metrosexual husband, stress over Charlie protecting and not messing up his new do. Myself, I am rather fond of the crazy curls, but you already new that!

I have found myself in a bind.

I was given some money by a close family member and wanted to spend it wisely. I am just beginning my photography business and do not have any "professional" lenses. I have had my eye on one that "does what photographers thought was impossible." This comes at the cost of $1500. Obviously, I do not have that kind of money to spend on a lens at the moment. Searching through, I found this lens at the cheap price of $700. I contacted the seller and asked for more information. This lead to emails outside of discussing this product. The seller is located in Italy and has been doing business with since 2007 according to feedback that was left about him.
I thought I did everything right. I reviewed the seller's feedback, which was 91% positive. I recieved an order confirmation from leading with a paragraph on how my purchase was covered under their A-Z guarantee because they wanted me to purchase from international sellers with confidence. I also received information from the seller telling me my purchase came with a 21 day money back guarantee. Not only did tell me my purchase was covered under their guarantee, they also gave me the information on how to pay the seller. This seller requested to be paid by Moneygram. also provided information on Moneygram agents in my area. I felt safe about this transaction because of the guarantee gave me.
Turns out, I have been robbed! The seller and I communicated daily via email, an address given to me by, up until the day he received my payment. That was on 3/5/10. He told me payment had been received and my lens would arrive in 5-7 days. It has been 15 days and no sign of the lens.
In addition to giving the payment information directly to the seller, which did NOT dissaprove of, I also sent payment confirmation to, information they requested I ONLY do if I did NOT feel safe releasing the information directly to the seller.
I have been emailing the seller everyday since the 12th with no response from him. I contacted and educated them on my dilema. I was told there was nothing they could do to help me with this matter because there was no order number assigned to my purchase. I did receive an order confirmation with no order number, but is that my fault or's?
Appearantly, this seller took this item off of once he learned I was interested. He told me he was having stock liquidation at his store and no longer needed He was able to use them for the order confirmation and information to pay him.
I am asking that you email this man and kindly request that he change his mind and send me either the lens or my $700. He can be reached at He knows my name and it should be FRESH on his mind with all the emails I have been sending him. I also wanted to share this information with yall so it DOESN'T happen again.


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